Learning About The Different Types Of Ovarian Cysts And How Dangerous They Are

Most women deal with some sort of ovarian cysts during their lifetime. Although in most cases the cysts are harmless and will shrink and go away on their own, there are certain cases in which the cysts will continue to grow, cause pain or even develop into cancer. That’s why it’s so important to take ovarian cysts seriously and have any cysts tested to determine whether they’re benign or malignant. By knowing about the different types of ovarian cysts and the symptoms that they cause, you’re more likely to know when something’s wrong and get help before it’s too late.

There are functional and follicular ovarian cysts, and these are two main types of cysts that can develop. When a woman is told she has a functional cyst she usually doesn’t have to worry because in most cases the cyst will just shrink up and go away on its own. Functional cysts tend to be round, thin and filled with clear fluid. These cysts are different than those which cause cancer, so there’s no need to worry if functional cysts are found during a routine exam.

Then there are the follicular cysts which are taken more seriously because they can actually be dangerous. These are also filled with fluid but are more likely to cause pain and discomfort. These cysts can grow to be quite large and cause very general symptoms so a woman may just associate the symptoms as being from her regular menstrual cycle. Another of the most common types of ovarian cysts is the luteum ovarian cysts.

These are also one of the most common types of ovarian cysts and they are different in that they are more relatable to the woman’s menstrual cycle. The luteum cysts are the most likely to cause pain. They can also cause a twisting of the ovary which may result in a blockage of the blood supply. Some women find themselves in crippling pain out of nowhere one day, only to find that they have luteum cysts which must be removed surgically right away.

These are the most common types of ovarian cysts. There is no single treatment that is going to be best for every woman in this situation. The basic goal of ovarian cyst treatment is to relieve pain and prevent ovarian cancer from developing. Especially if there are malignant cysts, these must be dealt with right away to prevent ovarian cancer.