Causes and Treatment of Ovarian Cysts

Cysts are the fluid-filled sacs, and most women have them at some point during their lifetime. Most of the ovarian cysts are harmless and get cured on their own without any treatment. Ovaries produce eggs each month, and during the process of ovulation, a follicle is formed inside the ovary which ruptures after becoming matured. If seen through the ultrasound, the ovarian cysts look like bubbles, and contain only fluid within a very thin wall.

The treatment for ovarian cyst depends on type and size of the cyst, future pregnancy plans of the woman, her general health and age, and symptoms being experienced. If the cysts are diagnosed at early stages, they can be treated using less invasive methods and there is best hope for the recovery. Dermoid cysts are filled with different types of tissues, including skin and hair. Cystadenoma cysts develop from cells present on the outer surface of ovaries.

Endometrioma cysts are also called chocolate cysts of endometriosis, and these are formed when tissue similar to uterus lining is attached to the ovaries. Polycystic ovarian disease is caused by the buildup of follicles, and causes the ovaries to enlarge, creating a thick covering that prevents ovulation. Mostly, there are no symptoms caused by the ovarian cysts, but when symptoms are presents, the cyst may cause sense of pressure or fullness in the abdomen and a dull ache. Pain during the intercourse and delayed and irregular periods are other symptom of presence of ovarian cysts.

Functional ovarian cysts are most common type and they seldom require treatment or medication. Follicular cyst, hemorrhagic cyst, corpus luteum cyst, polycystic-appearing ovary, endometriomas cysts, demroid cyst and cystadenoma are all noncancerous growths. Laparotomy is more invasive surgery where a cut is made in the abdominal wall to remove the cyst. Follow-ups after surgery mainly depend on the type of cyst identified, and if there is no evidence of cancer or if the cyst is less than 4 inches in diameter, the patient is observed for 3-4 weeks.

At times, physicians recommend oral contraceptives or hormones that shrink the functional cysts, but these pills are not effective to treat the other types of benign cysts. There is not much information available regarding prevention of ovarian cysts, and smoking has not been found to be the risk factor. Oral contraceptives help regulate the menstrual cycle and prevent the follicle formation that turn into cysts.