Eczema Sufferers, Look For Alternative Natural Treatments

In today’s age of modern medicine many people are looking for alternative treatments for eczema. This is likely the result of a growing notion that  taking steroids whether in pill form  or creams for extended periods of time is never good for you, so before you give up and think you have to live with the itch, go online and research what natural treatment for eczema may help to ease your symptoms.

Options For Natural Treatments

Modern medicine has not yet established what actually causes eczema, however it is thought that it may have something to do with the immune system and can be caused by allergies so it is advisable for sufferers to examine what they have eaten or done just prior to the onset of eczema as this is likely the culprit and it could be as simple as staying away from whatever brought on the attack.

The first thing to do if you are suffering from eczema is you should always keep your skin moisturized.  If you stay vigilant about keeping your skin moist, this can go a long way as a natural eczema treatment that can keep your skin itch and flare-up free.  Moisturize your skin thoroughly in the morning and again before you go to bed at night.

An emollient is a great natural treatment for eczema.  You can use an emollient that comes in oil form, a lotion or a cream.  An added bonus to using an emollient is that in the summer you can put this natural treatment for eczema in the refrigerator.  This will be a cooling as well as soothing on those hot and sticky summer days.

When you are suffering from a particularly itchy or painful eczema flare-up, taking an oatmeal bath is an excellent natural treatment for eczema.  You can find many choices from famous name brands that carry oatmeal baths as a natural treatment.  You can also use rolled oats to add to your bath too.  Just add one to two cups of oatmeal to a lukewarm bath, and before you know it, this natural treatment for eczema will having you feeling almost instant relief.  Remember to moisturize after the bath as well.

If you want a natural treatment for eczema to soothe your itchy skin, just mix a teaspoon of slippery elm bark, on teaspoon of comfrey root, and one teaspoon of white bark in two cups of water.  Boil this mixture for about thirty five minutes and let it cool off.  This may not entirely alleviate the itch, but if you use the mix as a wash for the affected skin, it can drastically decrease your itch.

Blueberry leaves are also said to be a good natural treatment for eczema.  You can also either take vitamin E tablets orally, or cut the pills open and apply the vitamin E directly on to affected areas.  The application of fresh aloe vera gel to the wound is also known to help.

There are many natural treatments for eczema that are available if you are determined to find them.  You can visit any health food store in your area, or natural market online or off, and find what they have available as a natural treatment for eczema.  If you are still under the care of your regular doctor, please keep him.her informed as to what you are doing to ensure there is no conflict.

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