Talking to Your Physician About Your Alcohol Problems

Larry decided to go and see his doctor about his unhealthy drinking.  At first, Larry thought he would be able to essentially go online, look for some fundamental alcohol info, and come to a decision whether or not he was dependent on alcohol.  Not unexpectedly, he located quite a few websites that highlighted some of the general alcoholism symptoms.  That’s the encouraging news.  The less positive news, sadly, was that Larry exhibited quite a few of these alcoholism symptoms.

Symptoms of Alcohol Dependency: Some Examples

For instance, Larry was drinking significantly more than usual and he was starting to have more intense squabbles with the woman he was dating.  Moreover, for the first time in his life he was having sleeping problems.  In a similar manner, Larry repeatedly felt depressed and on an escalating basis he had been demonstrating limited concentration while on his job.

In much the same way, he felt highly stressed and more nervous on a day-to-day basis and for the past three or four months he exhibited hazy thinking at his place of employment. Seeing as Larry demonstrated all of these symptoms, he was rightly uncomfortable about his hazardous drinking.

So Larry eventually made up his mind that he needed to call his healthcare practitioner and ask for an appointment.  Actually, this was hard for Larry because his family doctor was also his parents’ family healthcare practitioner.  The origin of his disquiet was this: at the risk of embarrassing his family, he had to go and divulge his careless and abusive drinking behavior to his family doctor.

When Larry arrived at the family physician’s family healthcare practitioner’s office, he explicitly told the family physician about the trepidation he had about his hazardous drinking behavior. When the healthcare professional asked what was prompting this fear, Larry said that he had gone online and read about dependency on alcohol and especially about alcoholism symptoms.  He then stated all of the alcoholism symptoms that he undoubtedly thought he had.

A Complete Physical Evaluation and Outpatient Alcohol Rehab

The physician informed Larry that it was wise of him to address his problem drinking, he gave Larry a thorough physical exam, and recommended that he enter into an out-patient alcohol rehab center that was supervised by one of his doctor partners.

Additionally, when Larry mentioned that he had been feeling despair to an increasing degree, the family physician informed Larry that alcoholism and depression often happen in the same person.  Hence, the family doctor also recommended that Larry obtain counseling to focus on his melancholy.

The Value of Addressing Your Drinking Issues

The family doctor made it a point to notify Larry that he might not necessarily be addicted to alcohol, but that he was without a doubt drinking in an irresponsible manner.  The family healthcare practitioner then told Larry that the reason he recommended alcohol rehab in the first place was because he wanted him to deal with his drinking difficulties, make sure that he stopped them from going downhill further, and start to live in a more healthy manner, even if it meant that he had to completely refrain from drinking.

To sum up, by successfully treating his drinking problems, Larry would be able to get his drinking problems under control and refrain from the negative cycle that could doubtless lead to addiction to alcohol.

Without a doubt, Larry did not want to face the thought of getting admitted into an alcohol rehab facility. Nor was he euphoric about going to a therapist about his melancholy.  Regardless of these apprehensions, alternatively, Larry as a matter of fact experienced some psychological relief for the first time in quite a few months because he eventually quit making excuses for himself and at long last decided to do something affirmative about his drinking issues.

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