Identifying Anxiety and Stress

Daily life with all its challenges and unexpected situations is a permanent source of anxiety and stress. Life inevitably causes tension, and it often stimulates us to work harder and achieve more of the set goals. However, sometimes anxiety and stress cannot be called stimulating factors but they come to rule one’s life completely: in most such cases, anxiety disorders are identified and diagnosed. Such a health problem makes the sufferer experience anxiety and stress most of the time, even when there is no reason for feeling so. In Joe Barry McDonagh’s Panic Away information ebook he addresses ways to stop anxiety attacks. Another helpful aid to stop anxiety attacks is Charles Linden’s The Linden Method book.

Anxiety and stress will ruin your entire day, making you incapable of work, not to mention the constant fear of getting a panic attack. Such health problems do not result from a character flaw; stop believing that this happens because you are weak. Lots of people try the approach of pulling themselves up by the bootstraps, but this very seldom works. Therapy is necessary, sometimes accompanied by the administration of antidepressants or tranquilizers. Therefore, before resuming a normal life, all the factors that cause anxiety and stress have to be identified in order to arrest anxiety episodes.

There are two components for every disorder caused by anxiety and stress: psychological and biological, and therefore the treatment ought to include a combination of interventions relying both on cognitive and behavioral psychotherapy. Genetics and family history influence the appearance and evolution of an anxiety disorder, but there are other factors that contribute to the evolution of the disease. Traumatic experience, the impossibility to deal with a too high stress level, major life decisions, alcohol or substance abuse, emotional imbalance and lots of other problems could hide behind recurrent panic attacks.

Family support is incredibly important in the fight against anxiety and stress. An anxiety disorder also seems less likely to appear in families with a harmonious and balanced lifestyle. Nevertheless, coping with stress is something natural in day to day life, and the nervous system will fail to cope with it only when there is too much. Moreover, the same family support is incredibly helpful for the recovery of a person suffering from an anxiety disorder. An active involvement in therapy, a good relationship with the doctor, informative research and family environment, represent the most important ways of speeding up recovery.

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