Los Angeles acupuncture center has been an accepted medical practice for many years now. In Chinese medicine acupuncture is a time-honored tradition. The difference between acupuncture and acupressure is the use of needles. In acupressure a light pressure is applied to strategic areas of the body to stimulate healing while in acupuncture the use of needles are used at these same points on the body to facilitate the flow of a healing energy.
Spirituality and Los Angeles acupuncture therapy are synonymous terms in the Chinese culture. The needles are inserted into advantageously placed areas of the body which connect the chi or life force to the energy flow of the body which are called meridians. By so doing, the body is altered and healing ensues.
Over four decades ago the ancient Chinese acupuncture treatments were introduced into Western culture. In the West, the treatment is believed to work because when the needles are inserted at specific points on the body there is a release of certain chemical substances that the body uses for healing itself like endorphins. The body see the entrance of the needles as an injury or an invasion of something foreign that it needs to heal.
The points of entry for the acupuncture needles are determined from a diagnosis resulting from taking the pulse and the condition of the tongue. The patient is questioned and observed and from a combination of these things, the correct points of entry for the needles are decided. The needles are inserted with a light tap and they are so fine that they are like a piece of very thin wire. These are completely disposable needles to keep things hygienic and safe for the patient. As the technician inserts the needles they should be removed from their paper packaging.
There is a small degree of discomfort connected to the treatment but it is not considered painful. The process is having the needles placed in proper places on the body and then remaining very still while the needles do their healing work. This is the time that might cause a little discomfort.
There are a multitude of problems that can be treated by acupuncture that can be both psychological issues or physical ailments. Usually patients will seek acupuncture to help find a solution to their bad habits like smoking, or to get rid of back pain or as a way to handle infertility. Some even use acupuncture for a face-lift instead of going through the stress of surgery.
Choosing an acupuncturist means doing a little research online. The therapist you choose should be certified. Because an acupuncturist is not a doctor it is always a good practice to discuss this with your physician before making an appointment.
Acupuncturists are everywhere nowadays but you will find there are several very excellent technicians particularly in the Los Angeles area. If you look on the Internet you will find many options and also reviews by their clientele. The efficacy of Los Angeles acupuncture procedure as an alternative medical treatment is now widely authenticated in Western medicine today. It has been shown to be effective in the areas of fighting inflammation, for homeostasis maintenance, handling pain and in the over-all wellness of the patient. Many insurance agencies today will honor the acupuncture treatments for the patrons.