When Janice was in high school, she had established a reputation as a person who hit the books real hard and who rarely, if ever, “painted the town red” by drinking with her friends. She seemed highly motivated to “shine” academically so that she would be able to secure a career that she not only enjoyed but one that also gave her a degree of financial stability.
After much deliberation, finally she made up her mind that she wanted to be an attorney. In order to reach this goal, however, she would first have to complete four years of undergraduate education.
After Finishing High School Janice Gets Accepted Into A Highly Regarded Undergraduate University as a Foundation For a Career as a Lawyer
After Janice finished high school, she applied to and was accepted into a prominent program in philosophy. Her rationale for this decision was that this subject area would be a good springboard for law school and wouldn’t be similar to the majority of law school applicants who choose political science as their undergraduate minor or major.
After graduating with a 3.6 GPA at the undergraduate level, she applied to and was accepted at a nationally ranked law school at one of the Big Ten universities.
She was pleased with her legal studies but every once in a while she was beleaguered about all the work that law school demanded. Reminiscent to the way she handled herself in her high school and undergraduate days, nevertheless, she made pals quite easily but hardly ever got involved in social activities until the term was done.
After Being Jubilant With the Fact That She Had Done Extremely Well on Her Tests, Janice Wanted to Let Her Hair Down and Do Something Besides Going to College For a Change
Janice was the type of individual who worked studiously to finish what she started and then would take a couple of days off when she could. As is the case, nonetheless, the vast majority of the things she did between terms or during summer breaks did not have much to do with drinking. Clearly, Janice was anything but a party-person. Now that her final exams for her second year in law school were completed and pleased that she had done a super job on her tests, nevertheless, she felt like celebrating.
Drinking at a Local Watering Hole Results in Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning, Calling 911, The Emergency Number, and a Visit to The Rehab Hospital
So Janice and several of her friends went to a local pub where they had a few cocktails. As the hours went by, Janice persisted in drinking without having to worry about research projects or tests the next day. Indeed, Janice mentioned to her friends how excited she was to ”get down” and drink with her law school friends.
As the evening went by, Janice and her buddies continued to drink. In point of fact, she was having such a magnificent time that she didn’t want the night to come to an end. It was almost as if she was making up for lost time and trying to compress a year’s worth of fun and laughter into a single evening. Such a “game plan,” it needs to be emphasized, seldom works. In fact, when Janice went to the lady’s room and threw up, her friends started to get concerned about her safety.
A few minutes later when Janice started to slur her speech, talk in a confused manner, and then become unconscious, however, her pals immediately knew that they needed to call 911, the emergency services number, and ask for emergency assistance because they believed that Janice was displaying alcohol poisoning symptoms.
Once Janice was in the alcohol rehab hospital, the head emergency room doctor validated what her pals had believed, that is to say, that Janice had substantially more alcohol than her body could process and, as a result, she suffered from an alcohol overdose
After the medical team pumped her stomach until no gastric contents were evident, Janice was relocated to the recovery room. After staying almost three hours in recovery, Janice was then moved to one of the regular hospital rooms. Fortunately, the most critical part of her hospitalization had passed and all of her vital signs returned to normal.
In response to Janice’s state of affairs, her buddies thoughtfully called her Mom and Dad. Consequently, early the next day, her parents and her best friends went to the hospital to visit Janice and look into her medical condition.
Janice Narrowly Escapes Death, is Grateful to be Alive, and Promises to Never Again Drink in an Abusive and Irresponsible Manner
Janice was attentive to the fact that she came close to dying and, consequently, was thankful to be alive. Her parents were aware how relentlessly she worked at college and how little she let herself socialize with her buddies. Nonetheless, they also realized that Janice needed to keep away from abusive drinking.
As a consequence, they recommended that down the road, whenever a drinking situation presents itself, that she always drink responsibly. Janice agreed and promised her friends and her parents that she would never again drink in an abusive and excessive manner. In Janice’s own words, “I never had an inkling that I would become one of the alcohol abuse and alcoholism statistics in the local city newspaper. I now understand that hazardous drinking is not for me. I assert that this will never happen again.”
Fortunately, Janice was not only “school smart” but she also had common sense. Stated differently, she immediately comprehended that she had made a mistake and decided that she would never make the same mistake again. If truth be told, she now grasped the fact that she had involved herself in “binge drinking” and that even one instance of this type of hazardous drinking can end in a loss of life.