Our lifestyles seem to have taken on an ever increasing pace of activity, we all seem to be working harder and longer hours, rushing our meals absorbing the stresses of the world and are therefore suffering from heartburn and indigestion in far greater numbers..
Though there are many different potential causes of indigestion. The main culprit responsible for most cases of indigestion is our frantic lifestyle and behavioral choices. These factors are ones that can be controlled and changed—that is, once they have been identified.
By identifying foods that help to relieve indigestion, as well as those foods that cause indigestion, you will be able to make healthier choices that will lead us to prevention of the on set of heartburn.
Which Foods Help Indigestion?
There are certain foods that help indigestion. Eating these foods can not only help indigestion, but they can also prevent it before it occurs. Dairy products, such as milk and yogurt, are known for being foods that help indigestion. Mixing honey in your milk can also prevent symptoms of indigestion.
Neutral Foods
Some foods are neutral in terms of indigestion—they don’t contribute to it, but they don’t protect against it either. Examples of such foods include: apples, bananas, broccoli, carrots, peas, skinless chicken, extra-lean ground beef, London Broil, low-fat soy cheese, feta or goat cheese, fat-free sour cream, corn bread, pretzels, graham crackers, rice cakes, multi-grain or white bread, baked potato chips, licorice, and jelly beans.
Foods That Promote Indigestion
While there are some foods that help indigestion, there are also other foods that only contribute to it. Knowing which foods cause indigestion is perhaps even more important than knowing which foods help indigestion, because being aware of the foods that contribute to it means that it will be easier for you to avoid them or replace them with more suitable foods.
Here is a list of foods that are known to contribute towards producing indigestion.
It is important to avoid coffee, tea, sodas, and other caffeinated or carbonated drinks. Additionally, citrus fruits and juices are known to cause indigestion due to their acidity. Alcohol, tobacco, chocolate, peppermint, pickled foods, tomatoes, tomato-related products, and all fried or fatty foods can be linked to indigestion.
Though these foods are the most common culprits of indigestion, everyone is different and thus might have a different food that triggers indigestion within them. Listen to what your body is telling you—if you experience symptoms of indigestion after eating a certain food, then you should avoid that food in the future.
No More Excuses
Modern lifestyle makes it too easy to indulge in the wrong foods, but knowing what role different foods play in your diet can be eye opening for most of us. For those who have ignored the health consequences of their poor food choices, knowing about foods that help indigestion and foods that cause indigestion means that they have no more excuses to live an unhealthy life and therefore suffering from the pains of heartburn.