Getting to know the symptoms of Colon Cancer

Colon Cancer is also named by the Medical Society as Colorectal Cancer or Large Bowel Cancer. It is the second-most known cancer death in the US and comes in third on cancer-related deaths in the Western World .

The risk generally increases as adults get older . Colon cancer symptoms are not always obvious but it’s important to understand because you can use this to work with you doctor and plan for long-term health plan .

Some of the colon cancer symptoms are rectal bleeding or pain, change in a regular bowel habit, weight loss, unexplained anemia, bright red or dark red blood in the stool and occurrence of abdominal pains.

A change in the bowel habit is between diarrhea and constipation without another cause, reduction in the diameter of the stool and a sensation of incomplete defecation.

It may signify lower gastrointestinal bleeding if you pass out bright red stool as this is one of the colon cancer symptoms that may lead to colon cancer because of the increased presence of mucus .

On the other hand, upper gastrointestinal bleeding brings out Melena or black tarry stools that is sometimes encountered in colon cancer when it is located at the beginning of the large bowel .

Iron deficiency anemia and weight loss will be manifested if there is a chronic bleeding, if tumor is present in colon cancer symptoms . This is reflected by fatigue, palpitation, pale appearance of the skin and decreased appetite .

The changes in the diameter of the stool in colon cancer symptoms may give us the idea that there’s something wrong with our bowel . An obstruction or something may be blocking out the stool will give us thin or ribbon like in appearance .

Colon cancer is a silent stalker, usually causing no symptoms until the disease is very advanced .

You might want to discuss your concerns together with your medical history, and necessary tests to your Doctor and schedule for a follow up to get at the bottom of it, if you experienced any of the colon cancer symptoms for any length of time, even for a few days.