Colon Cancer: From the Polyps

One of the significant causes of colon cancer is the existence of polyps. Depending on the number and size of cancer polyps you have, colon cancer polyps don’t always become cancerous but it increases your chance of having a colon cancer .

Polyps less than a centimeter in diameter approximately are one percent cancerous . A polyp bigger than a centimeter is considered a higher risk for colon cancer .

Colon cancer polyps shapes are pedunculated and sessile. Attached to the surface of mucous membrane by a long, thin stalk is called Pedunculated Polyp. And Sessile shaped are those that are flat in appearance that sit right on the surface of the mucous membrane . (Soft lining in the passages like those that are present in the mouth, intestines and other mucus-secreting cells are called mucous membranes) .

By nature, colon cancer polyps are different . There are called inflammatory polyps that are also called as ‘false polyps’, because it s not a true polyps but a reaction to chronic inflammation in the colon .

Colon cancer polyps that are Adenomatous in nature (benign tumor resembling a gland origin) are the most common type of polyp and make up about 70% of the polyps found in the colon . It will take years to develop but it could progress into colon cancer .

On the other hand, Hyperplastic-type of colon cancer polyps abnormally increase the number of cells in a tissue with enlargement of the area and Villous-Adenoma are slow-growing, potentially malignant and are considered dangerous as they have the highest likelihood of developing into colon cancer .

Because this colon cancer symptoms usually do not reveal early, you may know of having it. During the screening test for colon cancer they only become apparent. Symptoms evidence like bleeding from your rectum and change in your bowel habits shows when the colon cancer polyps gets larger.

Colon Cancer Polyps can be detected during test for colon cancer . It is generally recommended to individuals who are 50 years or higher, who has a normal risk for colon cancer and to people who have a strong family history of colon cancer .